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Major Reflective Statement

Over the course of this project I’ve had ups and downs, their were times in early February while modelling, I thought I’d never even finish one model, while I only did end up modelling one full character in the way I originally intended I still feel that I’ve made great progress as a whole in terms of my maya and other skills. Even though my original vision wasn’t achieved I’m still happy I came out with what I did, and I’m incredibly happy with my piece and the work I’ve achieved and more so where I can go from it. I still don’t think Maya is for me and still don’t understand some major aspects but I’m glad I’ve got the ‘fundamentals’ combined with my new found analogue sculpting skills, to take on to other modelling programs. When deciding the basis for my project back in Premise, I wanted to make sure I planned something I know I’d be able  let to achieve, knowing I’m not a particularly competent in 3D animation and knowing the difficulties of putting together a full film from 1...

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