Major OGR

 Road Map

Week 1: April 19th-25th

Aim to...

-Finalise colours/textures on Action Armour Ed. model.

-Action Figure Card back

-Turn arounds + on card render 

Week 2: April 26th-May 2nd

Aim to...

-Finalise advert script and storyboard 

- Orthographs for props and playset

Week 3: May 3rd-9th

Aim to...

-Model set/final props and elements 


Week 4: May 10th-16th

Aim to...

-Begin animation for film both 2D/3D

-Look for a voice actor for narration

Week 5: May 17th-23rd

Aim to...

-Continue Animation for film

Week 6: May 24th-30th

Aim to...

-Finish animation and comp together and edit film.

Week 7: May 31st-3rd

Aim to...

-Finalise film and Art of 

-Tie up lose ends 

Month After Deadline - in to summer and beyond....

-Create actual physical toy. 

-Physical Wax pack and stickers for events etc.


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