What if? Metropolis Critical Reflection

I am very satisfied and happy with how my project rounded out and came together, yes it was a rocky path and yes none of my work is perfect but I am happy how far I have come over the past 3 months. At the beginning of the term the idea of making a digital drawing on photoshop seemed like a daunting task, let alone making a fully rendered scene. Even though it is nowhere near perfect I’m still happy with the outcome and my feedback, the most important thing I’ve taken from this is excitiment, for the fact that I’ve got two projects under my belt and can’t wait to see what I can make next with the skills and knowledge I couldn’t have even fathomed a month or so ago.
If I was to improve much like last time is to just not worry as much and to be more confident in my design, when something doesn’t go right at first remember that it can take a few tries and attempts for it to work. In terms of the project itself I wish I my concept painting and production art was more developed and refined but I did what I could in the time I had left in order to dedicate enough time for my actual set, but overall I’m happy and content with what I’ve done.


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