Minor Submission - ED. Venture

ED. Venture- Minor Submission

My concept is to create a fictional toyline called ED. Venture inspired by toylines from the 80s/90s, the line is the adventures of an archaeologist Sabertooth cat hunting down artifacts fighting a cast of colourful villains. The goal was to create a 30-45 second advert for. the toylike and physically print made the figure and products from the world, as if it was a real thing, mimicking the sort of products from the time, cereal, cards etc.

My concept for this project changed significantly over the Minor project, at the end of Premise last year I succesfully came out with a concept for a toyline with an animatic for the commercial. For minor I wanted to expand this into a whole advert block with other commercials, however this project was just too large and towards the middle of the project I decided to put my focus back into the Ed. Venture line, focusing heavily on the design and modelling aspect of the project. 

My original agreed outcomes was to come out with final designs and a final animatic, however because the change in idea the final animatic will be the one I created for premise with the one here being a draft of what could have been, I also agreed on having started the model by the end ad I knew modelling would be a big challenge for me and the most important part of the project as the toy is the centre of the project.

Making of-  

Animatic (Unsused Concept)-

Original Proposal -

The model is still a work in progress but its been a huge learning curve turning him into 3D and im incredibly happy with the progress.

Head Turnaround

Body Start-

Premise Submission- https://legendoflouis.blogspot.com/2020/05/premise-submission.html


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