Bouncing Ball Animations

For the third animate class we looked at weight, speed and movement on a bouncing ball.

The first is more cartoony animation using squash and stretch of a ball bouncing the animation follows arcs just like the pendulums from last week, heres the onion skin:

Heres the animation in action:

I'm aware that the ball does shrink in size as it moves along but its a mistake I have learnt from when I do something like this again.
Next we created a series of balls dropping down and hitting a line in order to experiment with weight and speed.
Heres the bowling ball, as you can see it falls fast as its heavy and bounces, because of this the spacing between each ball on the onion skin is much further apart:

Heres the animation:

The next one was tennis ball that because it is lighter fell slightly slower and bounced more as it hit the ground and finally the ping pong ball which fell a lot slower and bounced a considerable amount of times when it hit the ground.

Tennis ball:

Ping Pong Ball:


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