Invisible Cities- Reflective Statement
I am very happy with my progress over the last 4 weeks, from not knowing how to use photoshop or being able to digitally paint, I have managed to create three full paintings. They may not be anything amazing or as well defined as id wish but I'm confident that I'm slowly getting skills wouldn't have had prior to doing this course. In relation to next time id definitely improve on my time management and make good use of all the time I have. Starting some of the smaller more open tasks would have been very benificial near the end when there is a lot more to do. Id also improve the way I react to not being perfect already and allowing myself to learn as I go. Another thing I'd remember for next time is to make sure I save time for everything and realise that things take a lot longer than you think as at points I thought tasks could be done or picked up in a shorter amount of time than reality. However overall I feel happy that I was not only able to finish all the tasks but I have developed a set of skills I'm looking forward to perfecting and crafting as I go through the course.
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