From Script to Screen Intro - First ideas mindmaps

Im incredibly excited with this project as really happy with the combination of objects. For this project we have to create a story centred around the three objects a character, location and a prop. I go an Archaeologist, Tropical Island and a clock. The aim is to develop a  2 minute animatic and Pre Vis for our story.

Im incredibly happy with the combinations as I am a big fan of Indiana Jones and adventure style stories manly because of the likably lead character and constantly moving story. But what Im more excited for is the location of a tropical island, I love tiki culture and the 1930/40s spirit of adventure aesthetic being a big Disney Parks fan there is a lot of influence and ambience i can draw from the idealistic westernised locations I have been to and love! The clock can also fit in nicely as some sort of Mcguffin or relic in my story.

Like the other two projects I've just been introduced to i have created a set of mind maps in order to begin developing some ideas and make a start!


  1. Good stuff, Louis - just dropping by to add a few more ideas into the mix: so your 'clock' could be something as ancient as a sun-dial - so I'd research the history of 'time-keeping' and 'time-telling' and see what's out there in terms of artefacts or slightly sideways ideas about 'the clock'. Just to let you know that there is nothing in your components that means your story has to be set in a 'human-based' story world... you could, for example, take a look at animals which are characterised by their 'digging' - so is there an animal out there that would 'naturally' be an 'archeologist'? Shifting your thinking away from 'human world' can instantly change things up immediately in terms of all your objects and what they might associate with; my first bit of advice would be... to park Indiana Jones - not because you might not end up there again, but because it might stop you from exploring some more unexpected concepts! :)

    1. Thank you! :) and yeah I have definitely being considering the more animal approach, maybe as a contrast or as a bit of humour it could be some sort of extinct creatures, even though it’s not paladeontologist but I still find the idea of an creature obsessed with the past being a creature from the past, or a skeleton is an idea I’ve thought about.


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